Idyllic Geuloever
What could be better than living in a free location along a river? This idyllic spot in the Limburg landscape requires a special place to spend your leisure time. The site is flooded almost every year for which a solution was found by building the house in its entirety on tree trunks, high above the rising water. This fully incorporates the house into its surrounding area. In addition to no CO2 footprint, the house literally has no footprint. The home is made energy neutral by using solar collectors for hot water, solar panels for electricity and a helophyte filter for sewage purification. The material is almost entirely of biological origin.
The structure consists of Kerto beams, SLS beams and wooden I-beams. Cellulose is used for insulation. The terrace consists of larch beams, an oak deck and Robinia balusters. The trees for the façade are also Robinia. The façade is, of course, made of our Naoshima.